We collaborate with brands, clients, and manufacturers to create artwork, designs, support campaigns, and products. We are uniquely positioned to offer that unique fingerprint between our activities, art, design, and technologies. 95% of our work starts through networks, word of mouth, former clients, referrals, and social media. Supporting organisations:
The Print Space, Nikon, Ducati, Photoshop, Amazon, Bol.com, Residence of Art, Nikon, Capture One, Hanemuhle, Canson etc.
Since 2024, my activities have transformed into focus areas on Art, Architecture, Gallery, and Engineering & Consulting. For this, we have launched our separate houses.
• ArtWorks – Fine Arts (since 2024)
• Residence of Art (since 2026)
• Creative Studio (since 2002)
• Scheper.Co – Engineering and Consulting (since 2014)
#Designer, since 2004 #Engineer, since 2007 #Photographer, since 2008 #Entrepreneur, since 2014